Do you remember the first time you had a crush on someone? Remember the craziness during the moment of this-is-so-exciting-oh-my-gosh-does-he-see-me feeling when he's (or shes) around? Well, tonight is all about young love. I'm sure everyone will agree that the very first time you feel love was the most exhilarating of all especially when it is returned! And it only gets better as time goes by. I hope reading this post will bring some good memories of those times.

This is for those who are just experiencing the wonderful joys of love for the first time and for those who have been there and back....these are for you!

Springtime, Pierre-Auguste Cot, 1873

Red head loves Hatty Perkins,

Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post

Our poet for this evening is Christina Rossetti (1830-1894). She was an English poet and the sister of a well known Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti. She is best known for her poem Goblin Market--about two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who were tempted by goblin men to buy some strange fruit. Although it is a "children's poem", you will definitely notice some sexual connotations! Ok, I digress but back to tonight's love poem...here it is!

--Christina Rossetti

I wish I could remember the first day,
First hour, first moment of your meeting me;
If bright or dim the season it might be;
Summer or winter for aught I can say.
So, unrecorded did it slip away,
So blind was i to see and to forsee,
So dull to mark the budding of my tree
That would not blossom, yet, for many a May.

If only I could recollect it! Such
A day of days! I let it come and go
As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow.
It seemed to mean so little, meant so much!
If only now I could recall that touch,
First touch of hand in hand! - Did one but know!


Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
-Amy Bloom

Love is the strange bewilderment which overtakes one person on account of another person.
-James Thurber and E.B. White

And as an added bonus, a music video! The song's title is "Maybe it's you" by Jolina Magdangal--a Filipino singer. The original music video is really cheesy so I just picked this one. This video shows some snippets from a Korean drama called, "My lovely, Sam-Soon". You can click the name if you'd like to know more about the show. It's a really funny and romantic show but unfortunately not all the episodes were translated in English.

FEATURED ETSY SHOPS : Lunatiger and thehangingflower

Lunatiger has some really great stuff for Valentine's Day. I especially love her folded satin roses! They are just gorgeous! And will last forever folks! These flowers are also perfect to give to mom and grandma this Mother's day!

Tired of sending those mundane and boring greeting cards that you know everyone will also send to their loved ones? Well, good news! Visit thehangingflower's shop and you will find many wonderful greeting cards that "show beauty in the ordinary".

So, did you enjoy these goodies?? I sure did! There are more to come! Let me know what you think and suggestions of your favorite poems, quotes, art etc. are always welcome!
4 Responses
  1. Thanks for featuring me!!! It looks great and I'll keep checking back to see what other poems and art you have on here :)

  2. Ellen Says:

    You're very welcome! I love your photos and I just had to post them here. ^_^

  3. Very awesome...LOL Thanks again...and I'm glad to have found someone as enthusiastic about Arthur Rackham as I am! ^_^

    PS. I love going to Strands Books, thanks for the tip.

  4. Stacey Says:

    I like the candy heart image very much, just delightful!